How to Handle a Ticket

How to Handle a Ticket

If you have been pulled over for a traffic ticket, you may be wondering how to handle a ticket. The easiest way to deal with a ticket is to pay the fine and accept the penalties. However, this option may not be right for a driver under certain circumstances. Because each of New York’s cities, towns, and villages has its own ordinances regarding traffic violations, a parking ticket in one area may impose a significantly higher fine than a ticket from another part of the state would bear.

It is simply not feasible for every driver to pay lofty fines, and especially when a driver is in fact innocent of the traffic violation, it can make more sense to fight a ticket than to pay it.

How to Handle a Ticket | Fight It

If you have been charged with a traffic violation in the state of New York, fighting the ticket involves pleading “not guilty” in a court of law. Because the protocol for fighting traffic violation tickets varies by municipality, you should speak with a local attorney as soon as possible to ensure that you are responding appropriately.

You may represent yourself during the hearing, but seeking representation from a traffic violation attorney will be instrumental in helping you to get your charge dismissed. Be sure to show up for your court date, or a warrant may be issued for your arrest.

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How to Handle a Ticket | Possible Penalties

Other than potential attorney or court fees, you will likely not be responsible for paying any penalty if you are found innocent. If you are found guilty, however, there are several potential consequences. Your license may be suspended, and you may accrue extra points. You may be responsible for paying your fines in full on the same day that you are convicted, and your sentence can include community service or even jail time. Your traffic violation attorney can help you to appeal a guilty verdict, the notice for which you must file within 30 days of your conviction.

How to Handle | Know Your Rights

Almost every driver has at least one story about a traffic violation ticket that seemed unfair. Getting caught in a speed trap at the bottom of a hill, receiving a ticket for allegedly parking just a few inches too close to a fire hydrant, and not noticing a hidden stop sign are among the most common complaints. Nevertheless, because the violation in each of these cases is minor and caused by circumstances beyond the driver’s control, the driver has the right to fight the ticket.

Our Jamestown traffic ticket attorneys are well versed in the ins and outs of traffic violation cases, and we would be glad to advocate on your behalf in court. With the help of one of our attorneys, you will be able to build a strong case, and we will work tirelessly to get your ticket dismissed.


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